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Winner of the 2003 award for "Best Talent In Writing"

To Order the Softcover Edition:
Save when you order the book with my new pruning dvd.
IT'S HERE!! The Grape Grower, by Lon J. Rombough, Chelsea Green publisher. Written from nearly 40 years personal experience, training in Viticulture at the University of California at Davis, plus years of growing and testing well over 200 varieties of grapes, and correspondence with other grape growers, researchers and breeders worldwide.
As you can see from the table of contents, this book covers everything needed to grow grapes, with more on American table grapes than any book in over 80 years, as well as the best of the hybrid wine grapes. It deals with topics like, what to do with overgrown old vines, easier ways to graft grapes, solving the problem of "why aren't there any grapes?" and a lot more.
Foreword by Roger Swain
Chapter 1 - Structure of the vine
Chapter 2 - Site, Soil, Laying out and Establishing the vineyard.
Chapter 3 - Training and Pruning.
Chapter 4 - Organiculture of the Vineyard.
Chapter 5 - Diseases of Grapes
Chapter 6 - Insects of Grapes
Chapter 7 - Animal and Bird Pests
Chapter 8 - Propagation
Chapter 9 - Rootstocks
Chapter 10 - Varieties.
Chapter 11 - Grape species.
Chapter 12 - Cold Climate and Tropical Grapes
Chapter 13 - Breeding grapes.
The Grape Grower is available from bookstores and other outlets, or order directly from me. Prices:
Within the U.S.
Softcover: $35.00 plus $6.00 shipping
Send cash, check, or money order to:
Susan Rombough
P.O. Box 365
Aurora, OR. 97002 USA
Outside the U.S., contact me first. Shipping costs to other countries vary, and my bank charges fees to process checks from non-U.S. banks. Yes, I'll sign the book, if you ask on your order.
Books are shipped separately!!!
-Lon J. Rombough
Grapes, writing, consulting and more.
IMPORTANT NOTICE! The political views expressed by Chelsea Green are NOT my views and I disavow any connection with such views.
-Lon J. Rombough
WRITING about new and unusual fruits, nuts, vegetables, other edible plants, some ornamentals - mine and those of other researchers - and new garden products. Also about other horticultural and non-horticultural topics, both fiction and nonfiction. Articles and books. Book reviews. Experienced in public speaking, broadcasting.
American Gardener, magazine of the American Horticultural Society.
Back Home Hendersonville, N.C.
Organic Gardening, Emmaus, PA.
Notes From The North, Hugo, MN.
Fine Gardening, Newtown, CT.
POMONA, journal of North American Fruit Explorers, Alburtis, PA.
Flower and Garden, Kansas City, MO.
The Growing Edge, Corvallis, OR.
Small Farmers Journal, Bend, OR.
Gardeners Companion, Cambridge, MA. (publication from Old Farmer's Almanac)
GreenPrints, Fairview, N.C.
FRUIT GARDENER, the magazine of the California Rare Fruit Growers, Studio City, CA.
Horticulture, Boston, MA.
Garden Home, Portland, OR.
Garden How-To, Minnetonka, MN.
National Gardening, Burlington, VT.
Orchids, magazine of the American Orchid Society.
POME NEWS, Home Orchard Society Portland, OR.
Indoor & Patio Gardening: Column on new products; misc. articles. Ambler, PA. (magazine ceased publication)
Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Chapter in handbook # 147, Growing Fruits. July 1996.
Sunset Books, Section on grapes for national book.
Beautiful Gardens (ceased publication)
HousePlant - Column, growing fruit in pots. (print version ceased publication).
Better Homes and Gardens, Special Interest Publications, Des Moines, IA.
Home and Garden Journal, Mt. Angel, Oregon
I also wrote for one of the "Chicken Soup" series of books, "Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul" which can be ordered from Amazon books in hardcover, paperback, audio cassette or audio CD.
An interview of Lon Rombough that was published in the June, 2004 issue of ACRES USA.
"Growing Up On Memory Lane" - published in Summer, 2004. Contains a story by Lon Rombough about how he got into grapes.
Gathering Editor, Winter issue, POMONA for more than 8 years.
California Rare Fruit Growers .
Garden Writers Association of America.
Home Orchard Society.
Indiana Nut Growers Association - given life membership.
Minnesota Grape Growers Association - awarded permanent membership.
North American Fruit Explorers.
North American Grape Breeders.
Northern Nut Growers Association.
Seed Savers Exchange - awarded life membership