
Current projects

Ranked by priority, level of work being done.

1. I am doing breeding and/or selection.

2.  Plants being grown and observed, but no breeding/selection being done.

3. New work, plants not yet established, or are not ready to work with.

4. Interest in plants, but no plants on site.  Following work, breeding of plants by others, or observing plants at other locations.


Type of plant. Research aims and/or comments.
Common and/or scientific name. Project Rating

Actinidia - large, smooth skinned fruit, cold hardy vines. 3

Amelanchier - (a.k.a.Serviceberries, Saskatoons, etc.) types with wide range of adaptability. High productivity for fruit. Possible use as apple rootstocks. 2

Apple - unusual insect or disease resistance.Red flesh fruit. 2

Apricots - late blooming, resistant to disease, especially brown rot and Pseudomonas. Types which bear well in maritime climate with little or no spray. 1

Aronia - (a.k.a.Chokeberries) Explore non-astringent types of this very cold hardy shrub. Has excellent fall color. 2

Barberries - genera Berberis & Mahonia. Examine types with edible fruit. 4

Cherries - Limited work, looking for types resistant to cherry fruit fly and related cherry-like species lacking problems of true cherries. 2

Citrus - cold hardy or types with low heat requirement. Hybrids with Poncirus trifoliata and other unusual hardy species. 4

Cornus (dogwood) - especially large fruited C. mas. Other species, C.kousa & C. canadensis with edible fruit. 1

Cotoneaster - Species with edible fruit. 1

Crataegus - large, high quality fruit types, including: Mayhaw ( American species C.opaca & C.aestivalis), European species, such as C. azarole and Chinese large fruited species, especially named selections of C. pinnatifida major. 2

Eleagnaceae - Several genera, including Hippophae rhamnoides (Sea Buckthorn), Eleagnus umbellata (Autumn Olive), E. multiflora (Goumi Berry), Buffaloberry, others. Cold hardy shrubs, good soil builders, fruit high in vitamins. Group has high potential. 4

Ericaceae - several genera, including Gaylusaccia (huckleberries), Gaultheria (Salal, Wintergreen). For berries, foliage plants. 4 See also Vaccinium.

Figs - types for northern areas, short summers. Special project in planning to extend the range, using related species. 2

Fragaria - strawberries. Unusual types, w./white fruit, variegated plants. 4

Grapes - A specialty. Types for cool climates, short cool summers, unusual flavors, other. Breeding projects, including grapes for other countries. 1

Jujube - fresh fruit types for climates. 4

Loquats - looking for types to extend the fruiting range. 4

Lonicera - honeysuckle w./ edible fruit, aka. "Haskap". Very hardy, early ripening. 2

Medlars - Mespilus germanica. Interesting, unusual fruit, highly ornamental tree. Good fall color. Fruit must be "bletted" to be edible. 2

Mulberries - Morus sp. Exploring varieties for fruit. Possible hybridizing with figs. 2

Passionfruit - cold hardy fruiting types; Passiflora incarnata & hybrids. 1

Paw paws - (Asimina triloba). Types for northern climates, cool growing seasons. 4

Peaches - types with resistance to peach curl and other diseases. 2

Pears - types with high disease/insect resistance, unusual flavor, other. 2

Persimmons - Diospyros sp. Special emphasis. Exploring & development of new American and Asian varieties for cool climates. High value/high potential crop. 1

Plums - New, unusual, high quality European & Japanese types. Stoneless plums, bullaces & damsons, Prunus maritima. 2

Plumcot and other apricot hybrids, for their own sake and as means of developing apricot flavored fruit with better climate adaptability. 2

Pomegranates - exploring for types for cool summers, hardier types. 3

Prinsepia - cold hardy plant with cherry flavored fruits. 4

Quince - Cydonia selections, astringent & non-astringent. Chaenomeles types combining edible fruit, ornamental value. 2

Rose Hips - roses with best, largest hips. Thornless bushes. 1

Rubus - fall bearing blackberry & black raspberry types. Unusual growth or bearing habits. 2

Schisandra - Chinese "Five Flavor Fruit". Hardy, shade loving vine with lemon/pepper flavored berries. 4

Sorbus - Mountain Ash. Edible fruited species from several countries. 2

Vaccinium - blueberries, cranberries, related species. 2

Viburnum - Highbush cranberry, Mooseberry (V.prunifolium), other species with quality, edible fruit on ornamental, disease resistant shrubs. 2


Acorns - non-astringent, edible types. 2

Almonds - late blooming, self fertile types. 4

Chestnuts - quality types for home & commercial use. 1

Hickory Nuts - for northern or cool climates. 2

Pecans - for northern and cool climates. 2

Walnuts - easy cracking black walnuts. Persian walnuts (Juglans regia) that leaf out late, bear heavily, small trees, etc. 2


Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) - sweet pods for animal feed, sugar substitute. Highly ornamental tree, fixes nitrogen, good honey source. Unsuited to Oregon. 4

Kadsura longepedunculata - new vine from China. Edible fruit, medicinal properties. Little other information yet. 4

Rhubarb - Evaluating several types, including low acid, high color, etc. 2

Sassafras - ornamental, good flavoring, etc. 2

Zanthozylum - "Sanshyo" in Japan. Hardy bush with leaves used for seasoning, seeds used like black pepper. 2

I am also familiar with, and have access to, many other plants, which have been sufficiently studied that there is no apparent need for me to work with them personally at present.

VEGETABLES. I test/select/breed new vegetables and garden plants every year. Separate list available on request- changes more frequently than this list.